Process Description
Water is mainly used for removing residual surface dirt, grease or phosphate agents. Countercurrent cleaning can be implemented in both water spraying and water bath cleaning processes, with the first bath cleaning process replaced with the first spray washing process, and the second bath cleaning process replaced with the second spray washing process.
Bag filters are recommended for filtration of the water before reuse.
Car manufacturers and factories uses a large volume of water, with pre-treatment processes discharging over 80% of the total volume used in painting processes. Hence, an efficient filtration system will reduce the volume of water discharged, saving resources.
Product Features
• High performance magnet securely mounted to the filter bag and filter cartridge to capture magnetic iron fillings, extending the lifespan of the filter element.
• Applicable for streams with high concentration of impurities and high cleanliness requirements.
• Low equipment investment cost of changing the filter bag without replacing the system.
• POP filter bags can efficiently increase filtration efficiency by 85%, collecting more pollutants.
• 3 times normal filter bag life, reducing frequency of change-outs, effectively reducing consumables and labor costs.
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