Process Description
Production of Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) requires multiple stages of cleaning, with both the refractive ITO film, glass substrate requiring cleaning before completion of fabrication. In addition, coating lithography needs to be done on glass surface to remove particles larger than 1 micron and all inorganic and organic contaminants to create LCDs of the required production standards.
Cleaning fluid used for washing off and filtration of impurities must meet the required washing standards for the cleaning, recycling and discharging requirements. Contaminants found on the glass surfaces are caused mainly from manufacturing, handling, packaging, transportation, and storage, with various types of inorganic contaminants such as dust, paper fiber, oils, grease, silicon oxide and remnants of the preparation processes such as watermarks and fingerprints.
Main Cleaning Processes
Wet Washing
Dry Cleaning
Problems Faced
Purified water, ultra-pure water, deionized water and final filtration processes
Process water treatment, purified water filtration and pre-filtration.